Photo Gallery

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The Paws of Enchantment photo gallery offers a tasteful collection of dog photos of various breeds, and some of our staff as well!

Andalusian Street Dog

Ronda, Spain



Bheem the Rottie pup



Cassandra and her pride & joy.


Enchantment the special magic we share between our animals friends...



Gertrude the Norfolk Terrier



Naflah the Magical Saluki



And here is Naflah (our Superstar's mother) again; she will be one of the 'Greeters' at the NEW Paws of Enchantment (and, by the way, she likes baby carrots and requests you come 'prepared'). Naflah is a true princess and has been known only to drink water out of a gourd.


Photo Gallery

Photo gallery.


Photo Gallery



Photo Gallery

Laurel Gray


Photo Gallery

Cassandra and Qizlarhon


Poodle Gallery

Three clients, anxiously awaiting their owner's return.


Sea Dog: Bahia

Sea dog resting in the rocks of the beaches of Salvador, Bahia (Brazil).


Spanish Water Dog

Wow! This one really needs grooming. This is a Spanish Water Dog. This breed is usually clipped down once a year. Look for the picture of 'Charquito'; he is a clipped SWD. These smart, friendly and devoted pets and are rapidly making their way up the popularity ranks in the US.


Spanish Water Dog: Clipped

And this is Charquito!



This is Talia, our Supermodel, resting after a hard day of being cute and glamorous


Village Dog

Salvador, Brazil


Visitors From Afar...

Laurel Gray, John Ohlson of Dragonwyck, and Qizlarhon of Uzbekistan came to visit this summer.


We love Wheatens!

We love Wheatens! This guy is exceptionally cute... but aren't they all? We hope to have an All-Wheaten event... soon. Stay tuned!


Koko the Yorkie Poo and Buffy the Havanese

Koko checking out his friend Buffy